All Publications

Diabetes Digital Health and Telehealth

Kerr D & Glantz N. Democratizing access to and understanding of health information in the era of telehealth. Diabetes Digital Health and Telehealth. Klonoff DC, Kerr D, Weitzman ER, Eds.  Elsevier/Academic Press.  London.  2022.  ISBN: 978-0-323-90557-2.

Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology

Kerr D, Abbasi M, Bevier W, Glantz N, Larez A, Sabharwal A. Patterns of timing and intensity of physical activity and HbA1c levels in Hispanic/Latino adults with or at risk of type 2 diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 2022;0(0).

Lancet eClinical Medicine

Kerr D, Aram M, Crosby K, Glantz N. A persisting parallel universe in diabetes care within America’s capital. Lancet EClinical Medicine. 2021. Dec 24; 43: 101244.

Nutrition and Health

Aram M, Smallman R, Fields S, Larez A, Glantz N, Kerr D. Ethnicity, age and education influence perceptions of vegetables healthiness and macronutrient content. Nutrition and Health. Published online 1 November 2021.

Lancet eClinical Medicine

Barua S, Sabharwal A, Glantz N, Conneely C, Larez A, Bevier W, and Kerr D. Dysglycemia in adults at risk for or living with non-insulin treated type 2 diabetes: Insights from continuous glucose monitoringLancet eClinical Medicine. 2021 May;35:100853.

Lancet eClinical Medicine

Barua S, Sabharwal A, Glantz N, Conneely C, Larez A,
Bevier W, and Kerr D. The northeast glucose drift: Stratification of post-breakfast dysglycemia among predominantly Hispanic/Latino adults at-risk or with type 2 diabetesLancet EClinical Medicine. Published online 20 December 2021.

Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology

Kerr D & Glantz N. Diabetes, like COVID-19, is a wicked problemLancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. 2020; S2213-8587(20)30312-0.Published Online October 1, 2020.

Health Equity

Glantz NM, Morales JM, Bevier WC, Larez A, Hoppe CB, Duncan I, Mackenzie A, Kerr D. Insurance status and biological and psychosocial determinants of cardiometabolic risk among Mexican-origin U.S. Hispanic/Latino adults with type 2 diabetesHealth Equity. 2020; May 4;4(1):142-149.

BMJ Open Diabetes Research
& Care

Bevier W, Glantz N, Hoppe C, Morales Glass J, Larez A, Chen K, Kerr D. Self-reported and objectively measured physical activity levels among Hispanic/Latino adults with type 2 diabetesBMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. 2020; 8:e000893.

BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health

Kerr D, Barua S, Glantz N, Conneely C, Kujan M, Bevier W, Larez A, Sabharwal A. Farming for life: Impact of medical prescriptions for fresh vegetables on cardiometabolic health for adults with or at risk of type 2 diabetes in a predominantly Mexican-American populationBMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health. 2020;3.

BMC Endocrine Disorders

Morales J, Glantz N, Larez A, Bevier W, Conneely M, Fan L, Reed B, Alatorre C, Paczkowski R, Ahmed T, Mackenzie A, Duncan I, Kerr D. Understanding the impact of five major determinants of health (genetics, biology, behavior, psychology, society/environment) on type 2 diabetes in U.S. Hispanic/Latino families: Mil Familias – A cohort studyBMC Endocrine Disorders. 2020;20(1):4. Published 2020 Jan 6.

Nutrition and Health

York B, Kujan M, Conneely C, Glantz N, Kerr D. Farming for Life: Pilot assessment of the impact of medical prescriptions for vegetables on health and food security among Latino adults with type 2 diabetesNutrition and Health 2020; 26: 9-12.

Health Equity

Glantz NM, Duncan I, Ahmed T, Fan L, Reed BL, Kalirai S, Kerr D. Racial and ethnic disparities in the burden and cost of diabetes for US Medicare beneficiariesHealth Equity. 2019; May 15;3(1):211-218.

Contemporary Clinical Trials

Larkey LK, Gonzalez JA, Mar LE, Glantz N, 2009. Latina recruitment for cancer prevention education via Community Based Participatory Research strategiesContemporary Clinical Trials. 2009; 30(1): 47-54.

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Anthropology and Public Health: Bridging Differences in Culture and Society

“Using formative research to explore and address elder health and care in Chiapas, Mexico.” 

Hahn RA & Inhorn M. 266-298. Glantz N. 2009.

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Social Science & Medicine

“Risk screening, emergency care, and lay concepts of complications during pregnancy in Chiapas, Mexico.” 

66: 1057-1069. Tinoco R, Glantz N, Martinez I, Ovando I. 2008.

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Contact Namino Glantz to request full text.

“Formative research on elder health and care in Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico.” 

Dissertation, University of Arizona. Ann Arbor: ProQuest/UMI 3257921. Glantz N. 2007.

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Practicing Anthropology

“Formative research and participatory GIS mapping: Elder well-being in Chiapas, Mexico.” 

29(4): 6-14. Glantz N & McMahan B. 2007.

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“Intención y realidad ante el parto: Las representaciones sociales del embarazo problemático.” (“Intention and reality when facing childbirth: Social representations of problematic pregnancy.”)

2(2): 3-10. Tinoco R, Martínez I, Glantz N, Ovando I. 2006.

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Política y Cultura

“Moving maids: Dynamics of domestic service and development.” 

23: 82-102. Glantz NM. 2005.

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Salud Mental: Revista Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría

“Si no tomara él…. El consumo de alcohol y su papel en las relaciones de pareja.” (“If only he wouldn’t drink…. Alcohol consumption and its role in couple relationships.”)

27(6): 50-56. Glantz N, Martínez I, Tinoco R, de León P. 2004.

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Health Care for Women International

“Childbirth care-seeking behavior in Chiapas.” 

23(1): 115-135. Hunt LM, Glantz NM, Halperin D. 2002.

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Ten Years of Research and Action in Southern Chiapas: Gender and Reproductive Health Program

“Diez Años de Investigación y Acción en el Sur de Chiapas: Programa Género y Salud Reproductiva.” 

Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico:
CISC. Glantz N, Martinez I, de León, P. 2000.

Contact Namino Glantz

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Análisis Cualitativo en Salud. Teoría, Método y Práctica

“Estudiando la violencia doméstica en
Chiapas, México.”
 (“Studying domestic violence in
Chiapas, Mexico.”)

Torres T & Mercado FJ (eds.). Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara Press, 141-160. Glantz NM, Halperin DC, Hunt LM. 2000.

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Current Reproductive Health Concerns Series

“Conflict and contraception in Chiapas, Mexico.” 

Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. Halperin D, Nazar A, Glantz NM. 1999.

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Qualitative Health Research

“Studying domestic violence in Chiapas, Mexico.” 

8(3): 377-392. Glantz N, Halperin D, Hunt L. 1998.

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Estudios Sociales: Revista de Investigación del Noroeste

“¿Quién no tiene problemas en la vida? Un paso más en la investigación de la violencia conyugal en Chiapas.” (“Who doesn’t have problems in life? One more step in conjugal violence research in Chiapas.”)

16: 45-66. Hermosillo, Mexico. Glantz NM, Halperin D, Martínez I, de León P. 1998.

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Reproductive Health Matters

“Studying domestic violence: Perceptions of women in Chiapas, Mexico.” 

7: 122-127. Glantz NM, Halperin DC. 1996.

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Gender, Reproductive Health and Population Policies I. Amsterdam: Institute for Development Research & Univ. of Amsterdam.

“Improving reproductive health in Chiapas, Mexico: New findings on contraception from quantitative and qualitative studies.” 

Pp. 22-29. Halperin D, Nazar A, Glantz N. 1995.

Editorial/Review Positions

Social Science & Medicine, Reviewer, 2006-present
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, Reviewer, 2022-present
Diabetes Care, Reviewer, 2021-present
Health Equity, Reviewer2020-present
Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Reviewer, 2012-2016
Practicing Anthropology, Guest Editor, 2007-2008
Anthropology & Medicine, Reviewer, 2007-2008

Domestic Service | Reproduction | Gender Relations & Violence
Clinical & Household Care | Social Capital | Research & Planning | Elders