Research & Planning, Health and Culture
Exploring the relationship between health and culture entails crafting research strategies that are methodologically appropriate, theoretically rigorous, and ethically sound. Years of experience reveal a fruitful framework: the formative research model. This research-action strategy draws upon several qualitative and quantitative methods, and engages multiple actors to develop community-congruent interventions. The process entails becoming informed about and informing community dialogue; identifying needs and resources; generating intervention options via critical assessment and problem solving; and monitoring process, outcome, and responses. This multi-stage participatory research process is iterative, in that it is flexible enough to allow for mid-course correction and improvement as called for by participants and beneficiaries (Nichter 1990). This type of research has sparked community dialogue about health needs and spurred plans for system-wide health service reform. My articles and presentations about research on reproductive health, domestic violence, contraception, and elder health exemplify the value of both process and findings, as well. Most recently, I have co-coordinated the Public Health Improvement Process (PHIP) for Boulder County. For this, I have engaged community stakeholders in research, prioritization, and evaluation to assess community health status and health systems capacity, prioritize health issue areas, and develop a system-wide public health improvement plan. One particularly fruitful tool for research and community engagement is GIS, or Geographic Information Systems.
My current work as Health Planner entails collaborating with health department staff to operationalize the formative research model within local public health via assessment, planning, and evaluation. First, I conduct and disseminate results of assessments of population health status and public health issues facing Boulder County. This includes coordinating the Boulder County Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), as well as co-coordinating Boulder County’s Public Health Improvement Process (PHIP) plan. Second, I contribute to and apply the evidence base of public health on an agency level. To do so, I provide BCPH staff and community partners with information from existing datasets regarding health status, needs, and resources, as well as current research and recommendations for evidence-based decision-making in Boulder County. Third, I evaluate the effectiveness of public health processes, programs, and interventions provided by the agency and contractors. I provide ongoing training opportunities to BCPH staff in increase capacity for assessment, planning, and evaluation of BCPH processes, programs, and interventions. I evaluate and improve operational plans for all BCPH programs. I co-construct and utilize surveys to assess, plan, and evaluate the effectiveness of BCPH processes, programs, and interventions and identify needs for improvement. I put into place a data management and display system to serve as the framework, repository, and user interface for indicators of community health status and health system capacity, as well as priority issues and best practices to improve both.
Titles in Spanish indicate work written, published, and/or presented in Spanish. Translated titles follow in parentheses.
To download publications, go to All Publications authored by Namino Glantz
“Latina recruitment for cancer prevention education via Community Based Participatory Research strategies.” Larkey L, Gonzalez J, Mar L, Glantz N. Contemporary Clinical Trials 30: 47-54. 2009.
“Using formative research to explore and address elder health and care in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N. Anthropology and Public Health: Bridging Differences in Culture and Society. Hahn RA & Inhorn M. 266-298. 2009
“Formative research on elder health and care in Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N. Dissertation, University of Arizona. Ann Arbor: ProQuest/UMI 3257921. 2007.
“Formative research and participatory GIS mapping: Elder well-being in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N & McMahan B. Practicing Anthropology 29(4): 6-14. 2007.
“Diez Años de Investigación y Acción en el Sur de Chiapas: Programa Género y Salud Reproductiva.”
(“Ten Years of Research and Action in Southern Chiapas: Gender and Reproductive Health Program.”)
Glantz N, Martinez I, de León P. Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico: CISC. 2000.
“Estudiando la violencia doméstica en Chiapas, México.”
(“Studying domestic violence in Chiapas, Mexico.”)
Glantz NM, Halperin DC, Hunt LM. In: Análisis Cualitativo en Salud. Teoría, Método y Práctica. Torres T & Mercado FJ (eds.). Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara Press, 141-160. 2000.
“Studying domestic violence in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N, Halperin D, Hunt L. In: Qualitative Health Research 8(3): 377-392. 1998.
“Studying domestic violence: Perceptions of women in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz NM, Halperin DC. In: Reproductive Health Matters 7: 122-127. 1996.
Manuscripts Not Yet Published
“Exploring the text and context of professional medical ethics discourse in the Journal of the American Medical Association.”
Glantz N. Tucson: University of Arizona. 23 pages. 2002.
“Domestic servants as household health care workers: A key target group for health education intervention?”
Glantz N. Grant proposal for research based in Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico. 14 pages. 2002.
Presentations, Working Groups, Conferences and Sessions Organized
To download information on organized sessions, go to All Presentations authored by Namino Glantz
Boulder County’s Public Health Improvement Process (PHIP) Core Team/Steering Committee.
Glantz N. & Harmon H. Team Coordinators. Boulder County Public Health. Boulder, 2008-present.
Boulder County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Planning Team.
Glantz N. Team Coordinator. Boulder County Public Health. Boulder, 2008-present.
“Improving health in Boulder County.”
Zayach J, Harmon H, Glantz N. Community Meeting, Boulder, September 2011.
“Hard Numbers: An Analysis of Harrassment of LGBQ Youth in Boulder County, Colorado.”
Alderton L, Glantz N, Conners Bauer L, Hills K, Marsh M, Harmon H. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting, Denver, November 2010.
“GIS at Boulder County Public Health.”
Glantz N, Lipps M, Coleman B. Boulder County Public Health Workshop, Boulder, April 2010.
“Un/intended Pregnancy Research Steering Committee.
Glantz N. Committee Coordinator. Boulder County Public Health. Boulder, 2009.
“SMART and ever SMARTer objectives.”
Glantz N. Boulder County Public Health Workshop, Boulder, October 2008.
“Merging formative research with participatory GIS mapping to address elder health in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N. Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Annual Meeting, Tampa, March 2007.
“Aging Adults, Maturing Methods? Multidisciplinary Health Research in Elder Populations.”
Glantz N. Session Organizer. Society for Applied Anthropology/Society for Medical Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, 2006.
“Jumpstarting community engagement around elder health: Formative research in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N. Society for Applied Anthropology / Society for Medical Anthropology (SfAA/SMA) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, March 2006.
“Estudiando la violencia conyugal en Chiapas.”
(“Studying conjugal violence in Chiapas.”)
Glantz N, Martínez I, de León P, Halperin D. Regional Committee on Reproductive Health (CORSAR), Comitán, Chiapas, 1999.
“Improving reproductive health in Chiapas, Mexico: New findings on contraception from quantitative and qualitative studies.”
Halperin D, Nazar A, Glantz N. American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, 1995.
Working Group on Gender, Reproductive Health and Population Policies (GRHPP) Global Meeting, Zimbabwe, 1995.
Publications and Presentations
Domestic Service | Reproduction | Gender Relations & Violence
Clinical & Household Care | Social Capital | Elders