Gender Relations & Violence, Health and Culture
Inequitable power relations are all too often expressed in violence, understood as any act that causes or may cause physical, sexual, or mental harm or suffering, including the threat of such, as well as coercion and limiting freedom in public and private spaces. Gender-based and domestic violence are serious health problems which undermine the capacity for victims to seek care for themselves and are powerful deterrents to achieving gender equity. One facet of my work revolves around women’s and health care providers’ perceptions of spousal abuse, including its causes and consequences, as well as strategies for addressing it. I contend that violence exercised in contexts of alcohol consumption and economic marginalization, as well as abuse suffered by domestic servants, are two widespread dynamics calling for immediate attention. Additional foci of my attention are harassment and violent behavior among girls and boys in middle and high school. I have paid particular attention to the prevalence of harassment and violence by gender, grade in school, race/ethnicity, and especially sexual orientation.
Titles in Spanish indicate work written, published, and/or presented in Spanish. Translated titles follow in parentheses.
To download publications, go to All Publications authored by Namino Glantz
“Using formative research to explore and address elder health and care in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N. In: Anthropology and Public Health: Bridging Differences in Culture and Society. Hahn RA & Inhorn M. 266-298. 2009.
“2009 Boulder County Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results.”
“2009 Boulder Valley School District Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results.”
“2009 St. Vrain Valley School District Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results.”
Glantz N, Alderton L, Conners Bauer L, Johnson N. 2011.
“2007 Boulder County Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results.”
“2007 Boulder Valley School District Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results.”
“2007 St. Vrain Valley School District Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results.”
Glantz N, Alderton L, Conners Bauer L, Johnson N. 2008.
“Formative research on elder health and care in Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N. Dissertation, University of Arizona. Ann Arbor: ProQuest/UMI 3257921. 2007.
“Si no tomara él….” El consumo de alcohol y su papel en las relaciones de pareja.”
(“If only he wouldn’t drink…. Alcohol consumption and its role in couple relationships.”)
Glantz N, Martínez I, Tinoco R, de León P. In: Salud Mental: Revista Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría 27(6): 50-56. 2004.
“Diez Años de Investigación y Acción en el Sur de Chiapas: Programa Género y Salud Reproductiva.”
(“Ten Years of Research and Action in Southern Chiapas: Gender and Reproductive Health Program.”)
Glantz N, Martinez I, de León P. Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico: CISC. 2000.
“Estudiando la violencia doméstica en Chiapas, México.”
(“Studying domestic violence in Chiapas, Mexico.”)
Glantz NM, Halperin DC, Hunt LM. In: Análisis Cualitativo en Salud. Teoría, Método y Práctica. Torres T & Mercado FJ (eds.). Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara Press, 141-160. 2000.
“Conflict and contraception in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Halperin D, Nazar A, Glantz NM. In: Current Reproductive Health Concerns Series. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. 1999.
“Studying domestic violence in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N, Halperin D, Hunt L. In: Qualitative Health Research 8(3): 377-392. 1998.
“¿Quién no tiene problemas en la vida? Un paso más en la investigación de la violencia conyugal en Chiapas.”
(“Who doesn’t have problems in life? One more step in conjugal violence research in Chiapas.”)
Glantz NM, Halperin D, Martínez I, de León P. In: Estudios Sociales: Revista de Investigación del Noroeste 16: 45-66. Hermosillo, Mexico. 1998.
“Studying domestic violence: Perceptions of women in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz NM, Halperin DC. In: Reproductive Health Matters 7: 122-127. 1996.
Manuscripts Not Yet Published
“Missing women in Chiapas? Inquiry sparked by an unanticipated gendered masculinity index.”
Sánchez-Ramírez G, Santana-Echeagaray ME, Glantz N. 2006.
“Venom, medicine, or bad remedy? Discourse regarding pesticides among gender-generational groups in a Tojolabal region of Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz NM & Tinoco Ojanguren R. 2005.
“Development and domestic workers’ sexuality.”
Glantz N. Tucson: University of Arizona. 26 pages. 2002.
Presentations and Working Groups Organized
Boulder County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Planning Team.
Glantz N. Team Coordinator. Boulder County Public Health. Boulder, 2008-present.
Un/intended Pregnancy Research Steering Committee.
Glantz N. Committee Coordinator. Boulder County Public Health. Boulder, 2009.
“Improving the health of our youth: Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Boulder County School Districts 2009 highlights.”
Glantz N, Alderton L, Conners Bauer L.
Boulder County Board of Health (BOH) Meeting, Boulder, December 2010.
Boulder County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Meeting, Boulder, August 2010.
St. Vrain Valley School District (SVVSD) Board of Education Meeting, Longmont, August 2010.
Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) Board of Education Meeting, Boulder, June 2010.
“Violencia doméstica y salud: Introducción para prestadores de servicios de salud.”
(“Domestic violence and health: Introduction for health service providers.”)
Martínez I & Glantz N. General Hospital, Comitán, Chiapas, 2005.
“CD Caja de herramientas para trabajar contra la violencia familiar: Introducción para prestadores de servicios sociales y de salud.”
(“An introduction for health and social service providers to the Interactive Flash® CD Toolbox for Addressing Family Violence”).
Martínez I & Glantz N. Sanatorio Matus Hospital and live radio broadcast, Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico, 2005.
“¡Veneno! Pesticide discourse and behavior as site of gendered and generational struggles in Chiapas, Mexico.” Glantz N & Tinoco R. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, 2005.
“Domestic violence research and action in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N. Working Group on Gender, Reproductive Health and Population Policies (GRHPP) Global Meeting, Cha’am, Thailand, 2000.
“El consumo de alcohol y la violencia conyugal: Ideas para un acercamiento.”
(“Alcohol consumption and conjugal violence: Some thoughts.”)
Glantz N. Academic Exchange Group on Reproductive Health (GIASAR) Annual Meeting, Comitán, Chiapas, 2000.
“Estudiando la violencia conyugal en Chiapas.”
(“Studying conjugal violence in Chiapas.”)
Glantz N, Martínez I, de León P, Halperin D. Regional Committee on Reproductive Health (CORSAR), Comitán, Chiapas, 1999.
“Violencia doméstica en Chiapas.”
(“Domestic violence in Chiapas.”)
Halperin D & Glantz N. College of the Northern Border, Tijuana, Mexico, 1998.
“Violence by men toward women in couples in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Halperin D & Glantz N. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1998.
Working Group on Domestic Violence, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, 1998.
“Ningún matrimonio es santo. Investigación sobre violencia doméstica en Chiapas.”
(“No marriage is sacred. Research on domestic violence in Chiapas.”)
Glantz N, Martínez I, de León P. X International (Mexico-Guatemala) Medical Congress, Comitán, Chiapas, 1998.
Domestic Violence Working Group, College of Mexico (COLMEX), Mexico City, 1997.
Gender & Development Seminar, College of the Southern Border (ECOSUR), San Cristóbal, Chiapas, Mexico 1997.
“Culture, conflict and contraception in Chiapas.”
Halperin D & Glantz N. Consortium for Social Sciences and Health (COSSAH) Annual Meeting, Boston, 1997.
Working Group on Gender, Reproductive Health and Population Policies (GRHPP) Global Meeting, Amsterdam, 1997.
“Relaciones sexuales, salud reproductiva y género en Chiapas.”
(“Sex, reproductive health, and gender in Chiapas.”)
Halperin D & Glantz N. CORSAR Meeting, Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico, 1997.
IX Internacional Medical Congress, Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico, 1997.
“Investigación sobre la violencia doméstica: Percepciones de mujeres en la Región Fronteriza de Chiapas” (Poster).
(“Research on domestic violence: Perceptions of women in the Border Region of Chiapas.”)
Glantz N, Halperin D, Hunt L. Mexican National Public Health Institute (INSP) VII National Research Congress, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1997.
“Violencia doméstica en la Región Fronteriza de Chiapas.”
(“Domestic violence in the Border Region of Chiapas.”)
Glantz N, Halperin D, Hunt L. Mexican National Public Health Institute (INSP) VII National Research Congress, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1997.
VIII International Medical Congress, Guatemala, 1996.
Latin American Sociology Association (ALAS) XX Annual Meeting, Mexico City, 1995.
“Domestic violence in the Border Region of Chiapas, Mexico.”
Halperin D & Glantz N. National Council for International Health (NCIH) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 1995.
Presentations and Publications
Domestic Service | Reproduction | Clinical & Household Care | Social Capital | Research & Planning | Elders