
Clinical and Household Care, Health and Culture

In all cultures, health and health care extend beyond the walls of clinics and hospitals. Through the household production of health (HHPH), households draw on their internal knowledge, resources, and activity with available external technology, services, information, and skills to restore, maintain, and promote the health of their members. This model expands the narrow spotlight on acute illness episodes to everyday health maintenance and management of chronic disease, disability, depression, suffering, neglect, and abuse. The HHPH perspective thus highlights care in non-clinical spaces, i.e. community and home, by multiple caregivers. Further, households and community contexts are seen as sites of competition and collaboration in which certain members’ health needs are prioritized, and resources are distributed unequally along age, gender, and status lines. My work centers on home and clinical care during pregnancy and childbirth, perceived uses and dangers of pesticides, the role of domestic servants in household health, and electronic patient-practitioner interaction. My recent focus on public health improvement includes community partners extending beyond hospitals and clinics to stakeholders in retail, education, commercial, religious, and other fields.

Titles in Spanish indicate work written, published, and/or presented in Spanish. Translated titles follow in parentheses.


To download publications, go to All Publications authored by Namino Glantz

“Latina recruitment for cancer prevention education via Community Based Participatory Research strategies.” Larkey L, Gonzalez J, Mar L, Glantz N. Contemporary Clinical Trials 30: 47-54. 2009.

“Risk screening, emergency care, and lay concepts of complications during pregnancy in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Tinoco R, Glantz N, Martinez I, Ovando I. Social Science & Medicine 66: 1057-1069. 2008.

“Formative research on elder health and care in Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N. Dissertation, University of Arizona. Ann Arbor: ProQuest/UMI 3257921. 2007.

“Intención y realidad ante el parto: Las representaciones sociales del embarazo problemático.”
(“Intention and reality when facing childbirth: Social representations of problematic pregnancy.”)
Tinoco R, Martínez I, Glantz N, Ovando I. Poblaciones 2(2) : 3-10. 2006.

“Childbirth care-seeking behavior in Chiapas.”
Hunt LM, Glantz NM, Halperin D. In: Health Care for Women International 23(1): 115-135. 2002.

“Childbirth care-seeking behavior in Chiapas.”
Glantz N, Halperin D. In: Gender, Reproductive Health and Population Policies III. Quezon City, Philippines: Institute for Development Research Amsterdam, Univ. of Amsterdam, Health Action Information Network, Colegio de la Frontera Sur. Pp. 67-81. 1996.

Manuscripts Not Yet Published
“Venom, medicine, or bad remedy? Discourse regarding pesticides among gender-generational groups in a Tojolabal region of Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz NM & Tinoco Ojanguren R. 2005.

“The Household Production of Elderly Mexican American Health.”
Glantz N. Tucson: University of Arizona. 25 pages. 2003.

“Domestic servants as household health care workers: A key target group for health education intervention?”
Glantz N. Grant proposal for research based in Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico. 2002.

Presentations and Working Groups Organized
Boulder County’s Public Health Improvement Process (PHIP) Core Team/Steering Committee.
Glantz N. & Harmon H. Team Coordinators. Boulder County Public Health. Boulder, 2008-present

“Improving health in Boulder County.”
Zayach J, Harmon H, Glantz N. Community Meeting, Boulder, September 2011.

“e-health connectivity: Circuits, sparks, fires, burnout.”
Glantz N. University of Colorado Health Informatics lecture, Boulder, March 2010.

“Violencia doméstica y salud: Introducción para prestadores de servicios de salud.”
(“Domestic violence and health: Introduction for health service providers.”)
Martínez I & Glantz N. General Hospital, Comitán, Chiapas, 2005.

“CD Caja de herramientas para trabajar contra la violencia familiar: Introducción para prestadores de servicios sociales y de salud.”
(“An introduction for health and social service providers to the Interactive Flash® CD Toolbox for Addressing Family Violence”).
Martínez I & Glantz N. Sanatorio Matus Hospital and live radio broadcast, Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico, 2005.

“Childbirth care preferences in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N, Hunt L, Halperin D. Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, 1999.

“Preferencias para la atención al parto en Chiapas.”
(“Childbirth care preferences in Chiapas.”)
Glantz N, Hunt L, Halperin D. Mexican National Public Health Institute (INSP) VIII National Research Congress, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1999.

“El papel de los familiares en problemas relacionados con el uso de métodos anticonceptivos.”
(“The role of relatives in problems related to contraceptive use.”)
Glantz N, Halperin D, Nazar A. Mexican National Public Health Institute (INSP) VII National Research Congress, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1997.

“Childbirth care-seeking behavior in Chiapas.”
Glantz N & Halperin D. Working Group on Gender, Reproductive Health and Population Policies (GRHPP) Global Meeting, San Cristóbal, Chiapas, Mexico, 1996.

Publications and Presentations

Domestic Service | Reproduction | Gender Relations & Violence
Clinical & Household Care | Social Capital | Research & Planning | Elders