
Reproductive, Health and Culture

Reproductive health refers to physical, mental, and social well-being in all matters relating to the reproductive system throughout life, entailing a safe, satisfying sex life and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to have children. Reproductive health rests on appropriate health care methods, techniques, and services. However, competing notions of folklore, personal experience, health education materials, and scientific theories circulating in each cultural context shape our perceptions of and responses to our bodies, health, illness, and suffering. Insight regarding reproductive health experiences, understandings, concerns, and practices can be applied to addressing local needs in a culturally-acceptable manner. In my work, for example, studying the ways in which women and those around them experience and attend to pregnancy and childbirth has informed programs to reduce unintended pregnancy as well as maternal morbidity and mortality. Similarly, exploring how sexual activity and contraceptive (non-)use is shaped by local cultural context (especially the imbalance of power between men and women and across age groups) has been crucial for sensitizing family planning programs, health education curriculum, and policy.

Titles in Spanish indicate work written, published, and/or presented in Spanish. Translated titles follow in parentheses.


To download publications, go to All Publications authored by Namino Glantz

“2009 Boulder County Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results.”
“2009 Boulder Valley School District Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results.”
“2009 St. Vrain Valley School District Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results.”
Glantz N, Alderton L, Conners Bauer L, Johnson N. 2011.

“Risk screening, emergency care, and lay concepts of complications during pregnancy in Chiapas, Mexico.” Tinoco R, Glantz N, Martinez I, Ovando I. Social Science & Medicine 66: 1057-1069. 2008.

“2007 Boulder County Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results.”
“2007 Boulder Valley School District Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results.”
“2007 St. Vrain Valley School District Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results.”
Glantz N, Alderton L, Conners Bauer L, Johnson N. 2008.

“Formative research on elder health and care in Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N. Dissertation, University of Arizona. Ann Arbor: ProQuest/UMI 3257921. 2007.

“Intención y realidad ante el parto: Las representaciones sociales del embarazo problemático.”
(“Intention and reality when facing childbirth: Social representations of problematic pregnancy.”)
Tinoco R, Martínez I, Glantz N, Ovando I. Poblaciones 2(2) : 3-10. 2006.

“Childbirth care-seeking behavior in Chiapas.”
Hunt LM, Glantz NM, Halperin D. In: Health Care for Women International 23(1): 115-135. 2002.

“Diez Años de Investigación y Acción en el Sur de Chiapas: Programa Género y Salud Reproductiva.”
(“Ten Years of Research and Action in Southern Chiapas: Gender and Reproductive Health Program.”)
Glantz N, Martinez I, de León P. Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico: CISC. 2000.

“Conflict and contraception in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Halperin D, Nazar A, Glantz NM. In: Current Reproductive Health Concerns Series. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. 1999.

“Childbirth care-seeking behavior in Chiapas.”
Glantz N, Halperin D. In: Gender, Reproductive Health and Population Policies III. Quezon City, Philippines: Institute for Development Research Amsterdam, Univ. of Amsterdam, Health Action Information Network, Colegio de la Frontera Sur. Pp. 67-81. 1996.

“Improving reproductive health in Chiapas, Mexico: New findings on contraception from quantitative and qualitative studies.”
Halperin D, Nazar A, Glantz N. In: Gender, Reproductive Health and Population Policies I. Amsterdam: Institute for Development Research & Univ. of Amsterdam. Pp. 22-29. 1995.

Manuscripts Not Yet Published

“Niwan Chamel – ‘The Big Illness’ Pregnancy Among Tojolabales Of Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N. Master’s Report. Tucson: University of Arizona. 151 pages. 2003.

“Seasonality, childbearing, and health” (and annotated bibliography).
Glantz N. Tucson: University of Arizona. 50 pages. 2002.

“Resilience research on adolescent childbearing.”
Glantz N. Tucson: University of Arizona. 22 pages. 2001.

“Meta-pause: Metaphors and metalanguages of menopause.”
Glantz N. Tucson: University of Arizona. 24 pages. 2000.

Presentations and Working Groups Organized

To download information on organized sessions, go to All Presentations authored by Namino Glantz

Boulder County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Planning Team.
Glantz N. Team Coordinator. Boulder County Public Health. Boulder, 2008-present.

“Improving the health of our youth: Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Boulder County School Districts 2009 highlights.”
Glantz N, Alderton L, Conners Bauer L.
Boulder County Board of Health (BOH) Meeting, Boulder, December 2010.
Boulder County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Meeting, Boulder, August 2010.
St. Vrain Valley School District (SVVSD) Board of Education Meeting, Longmont, August 2010.
Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) Board of Education Meeting, Boulder, June 2010.

Un/intended Pregnancy Research Steering Committee.
Glantz N. Committee Coordinator. Boulder County Public Health. Boulder, 2009.

“Childbirth care preferences in Chiapas, Mexico.”
Glantz N, Hunt L, Halperin D. Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, 1999.

“Preferencias para la atención al parto en Chiapas.”
(“Childbirth care preferences in Chiapas.”)
Glantz N, Hunt L, Halperin D. Mexican National Public Health Institute (INSP) VIII National Research Congress, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1999.

“Culture, conflict and contraception in Chiapas.”
Halperin D & Glantz N. Consortium for Social Sciences and Health (COSSAH) Annual Meeting, Boston, 1997.
Working Group on Gender, Reproductive Health and Population Policies (GRHPP) Global Meeting, Amsterdam, 1997.

“Relaciones sexuales, salud reproductiva y género en Chiapas.”
(“Sex, reproductive health, and gender in Chiapas.”)
Halperin D & Glantz N. CORSAR Meeting, Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico, 1997.
IX Internacional Medical Congress, Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico, 1997.

“El papel de los familiares en problemas relacionados con el uso de métodos anticonceptivos.”
(“The role of relatives in problems related to contraceptive use.”)
Glantz N, Halperin D, Nazar A. Mexican National Public Health Institute (INSP) VII National Research Congress, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1997.

“Childbirth care-seeking behavior in Chiapas.”
Glantz N & Halperin D. Working Group on Gender, Reproductive Health and Population Policies (GRHPP) Global Meeting, San Cristóbal, Chiapas, Mexico, 1996.

“Improving reproductive health in Chiapas, Mexico: New findings on contraception from quantitative and qualitative studies.”
Halperin D, Nazar A, Glantz N. American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, 1995.
Working Group on Gender, Reproductive Health and Population Policies (GRHPP) Global Meeting, Zimbabwe, 1995.

Publications and Presentations
Domestic Service | Gender Relations & Violence
Clinical & Household Care | Social Capital | Research & Planning | Elders